Need a drink? Let us make one for you!

An in-home automated bartender powered by the AWS cloud so you get the perfect drink everytime.

Image of colorful drinks

About SmartBar

SmartBar is a device that leverages the power of the AWS Cloud for the serious purpose of creating the perfect cocktail or mocktail. Select a recipe from a list of SmartBar supported cocktails and mocktails, and follow the instructions for the ingredients to add. When you're ready, select whether you prefer a stronger or weaker drink, and SmartBar will stir your drink to the perfect level of dilution and temperature. Enjoy your drink!


The homebuilders & mixologists will find that all the components for SmartBar will cost them less than $1000 for build at home. Please stay tuned to this site for more information, including self build instructions, open-source backend and frontend code repos, assembly videos, and design files if you want to build your own SmartBar at home!



SmartBar is a very easy to use digital bartender. Simply select a delicious recipe and follow the directions for the ingredients to pour and SmartBar will handle the rest. SmartBar will stir your cocktail or mocktail to a perfect level of dillution to fully open its flavor. After all of that is done, you will be able to relax and enjoy your perfect drink.


The perfect cocktail is more than just the ingredients you choose to put in it. Flavors develop at temperature and the drinks can appear stronger or weaker depending on the amount of dillution in the drink. SmartBar aims at bringing drinks to the idea temperature for the cocktail and diluting drinks to the flavor preferences of the imbiber.


Our Team

Meet the hardworking Amazonians, passionate about mixology who put this project together.


How it Works

All the best technologies out there!

The machine makes the drink for you while you follow along and provide the ingredients.

Browse Recipes

Browse available cocktails or mocktails out of SmartBar's database of supported recipes.

Select a Drink

Select a drink that your heart desires and ask Smartbar to mix it for you.

Check the Queue

Check your drink in the queue while getting fun facts from Drunk Bartender.

Pick up and Enjoy

After the drink is delivered by the robot arm, you just need to pick it up from the grid and enjoy.
Smart Bar | re:Invent 2023 | AWS

© Made with ♥ by the SmartBar team. © Copyright SmartBar 2023. All Rights Reserved.